Pinderfields Hospital

Pupil Referral Unit


Home Play Ideas


  • different textures including packaging, balls, fabrics etc
  • ‘junk’, especially large cardboard boxes
  • food items
  • ice – different shapes and colours
  • ice with other items such as rice, water, toys


  • spinning
  • bouncing – trampoline, gym/peanut ball,
  • balancing – walking along items, sitting/laying on a gym/peanut ball, standing on a cushion
  • climbing
  • running, jumping, skipping, hopping


  • rolling in blanket/rug
  • pushing body/head against something soft such as a cushion
  • hanging upside down off sofa/bed
  • homemade playdough
  • water play – involving hand, feet, full body. Try adding items to the water such as bubbles, colours, floating toys, sinking toys etc.
  • bubbles created by a machine, by blowing, by moving bubble wand
  • child blowing bubbles is a great skill for them to develop
  • blowing bubbles in water through a straw
  • blowing through a straw to move items such as balls of paper, pom poms and bubbles

Communication ideas

  • Ready, steady…. go (aiming for the child to say ‘go’ ) games – bubbles, tickles, chasing, letting a balloon go
  • Songs - sing through a favourite song with your child. Next time, pause at a certain point and see if your child will sing or react for you to continue.


For more sensory/messy ideas see

Uniform and Clothing

Forest Wood has an optional uniform which comprises of: 

  • white, blue or black polo shirt;
  • burgundy or black jumper/cardigan;
  • black or grey jogging bottoms/trousers/shorts/leggings/skirt/pinafore dress

Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately in clothes which are comfortable, that they can easily move around in and that they can manipulate themselves where appropriate e.g. pull their trousers up, fasten the Velcro on their shoes etc.

We ask that children do not wear jeans to school.

We use the outdoor area all year round and in all weathers and engage in messy play daily!

Please provide a pair of wellies which can stay at school; an all in one waterproof or trousers and coat; clothing appropriate for the weather e.g. warm coat, gloves, hat or sunhat in summer; a full change of clothes which remains in a bag on their peg. 


Thank you for your cooperation in this.

Welcome Booklet

Please see below for information for pupils starting in September 2024. This document is updated annually and shared with parents of children taking a place.

EHCP - What to do before a review

All children with an EHCP will have a review at least annually. Anyone can call an early review at any point if they feel major changes need to made to the EHCP plan such as a change of provision.

Before your child’s EHCP annual review…

We will:

  • invite professionals to attend the meeting and/or submit a report
  • review appropriate sections including Section B, F and E
  • have up to date attendance and assessment data

Please can you:

  • check personal details on the first two pages
  • check professionals and make additions and/or amendments
  • A1 – this must be the child’s views. Photos can be added into this section – please email these to me.
  • A2 – this is parents’/carers views. Please check what is written is accurate and make any amendments or additions.
  • Read the outcomes set in Section E so we can discuss progress towards these together.

All the above will ensure that the meeting is effective and the amended EHCP is an accurate representation of your child, their needs and appropriate outcomes.

If you have any questions beforehand please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Following the review, we will submit the amended paperwork to SENART within 10 working days. They will then make all amendments, submit to panel if needed (for a change of setting or an increase in funding) and once complete send it out to you to check before issuing the final document. Please ensure you take the time to read the document thoroughly and check you are fully happy with it, letting SENART know of any mistakes/amendments prior to them issuing the final document.