Pinderfields Hospital

Pupil Referral Unit


Pupils who attend the Hospital PRU must be ‘medically unfit’ to attend mainstream school, either as a result of issues relating to illness, or as a result of issues relating to mental health.

If the child is medically unfit, the Local Authority has a statutory responsibility to provide education during the period of treatment.

If this is the case, the Local Authority requires a letter from a Medical Consultant which:

  • States that the child is medically unfit to attend school
  • Gives an indication of how long the child will be medically unfit to attend school
  • Outlines the treatment plan

The Consultant letter is the first step in the Local Authority identifying that the statutory requirement to provide education should be planned and implemented.

In order for the decision to be made that Pinderfields Hospital PRU is statutorily necessary, the Head of Educational Psychology and Assessment Services will consider the request from a Consultant.

Consultant letters indicating a child is medically unfit to attend school should be sent to the Headteacher:

Helen Mumby


Further sources of information from the Department of Education:
Ensuring a good education for children who cannot attend school because of health needs Statutory guidance for local authorities January 2013.

Details from our school brochure can be downloaded here:
Wrenthorpe Centre Brochure.pdf