Pupil Referral Unit
At Pinderfields Hospital PRU we are committed to establishing a secure, compassionate, and supportive learning environment for our students. We have high expectations, but always approach the educational process with consideration and sensitivity to the medical and emotional requirements of our students, encouraging them to do their very best.
Our curriculum is tailored to the individual interests of our students. We invest time in understanding each child, fostering strong relationships with both students and their families. Establishing robust connections with home-schools, we ensure that our students are not missing out allowing them to smoothly transition back to their original school or alternative provision.
All work planned and delivered in the hospital school is in line with the latest National Curriculum for all key stages, and based around topic areas
Children attending will initially follow our National Curriculum based topics, then on day 3 of their stay, our teacher in charge will contact the child’s home school to speak to their teacher. The child’s individual learning needs and interests will be discussed and then appropriate lessons planned and delivered. The home school may also send specific work for the child to complete whilst in hospital. This ensures the child is accessing a similar education to their peers. Since the Covid 19 Pandemic, many children now have online access to work set by their home school, making the process quicker. We encourage children to read various genres, as we believe reading can improve a persons knowledge of themselves and the wider world, presenting them with new experiences, and for some, an escape from the day to day life they experience. We aim to enable our children to read fluently and with confidence.
When teaching early reading skills, the phonics lessons will be individualised, depending on the scheme used in the child's home school.
The personal development of students is a fundamental part of the academic and pastoral work of our school. We aim to develop students spiritually, morally, socially and culturally and ensure that they are treated as individuals. Since the the onset of the Covid 19 pandemic, studies have shown it's negative impact on the nations mental health. In response to this, mental health and wellbeing focus forms an integral part of our work with the children.
The hospital school is a registered exam centre, any children unable to take planned exams in their home schools, are able to sit them whilst being an inpatient if medical fitness allows.