Pinderfields Hospital

Pupil Referral Unit

Our Safeguarding Team


Mrs Mumby - Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Mumby - Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr Booth - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr Booth - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr Boyer - Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead
Mr Boyer - Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead
Diane Bottomley - Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead
Diane Bottomley - Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead
Lisa Iliffe - Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead
Lisa Iliffe - Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead
Cathy Smith - Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead
Cathy Smith - Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead
Kelly Brook - Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead
Kelly Brook - Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead
Chantal Midgley- Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead
Chantal Midgley- Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead
Chloe Martin- Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead
Chloe Martin- Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead
James Bradley - Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead
James Bradley - Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead
Joanne Kershaw - Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead
Joanne Kershaw - Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead
Jodie Evans - Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead
Jodie Evans - Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead
Sue Sharpe -  Management Committee Safeguard Representative
Sue Sharpe -  Management Committee Safeguard Representative

Student Support


Crime Prevention and Knife Awareness - 2019

Drug Awareness - November 2016

Bella The Trained Drugs Detector

PREVENT - December 2016





Click HERE for more details

Please VISIT our Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources and Support page


 Wakefield Continuum of Need

A Framework to Support Decision Making has been developed to help those who work or volunteer with children and families across the Wakefield District with making decisions about how to best provide support.

This approach is aligned to the district's Wakefield Families Together model, where a child and their family receive the right help, at the right time, from the right service, and importantly, from the right person, whilst always acting in the best interests of a child.

Download HERE

 Online Safety and Safeguarding is taken very seriously across   all our provisions and is therefore  included as a standard agenda item in all meetings held by Pinderfields Hospital PRU.

Regular training for Safeguarding, Child Protection, DSL and Safer Recruitment is undertaken.

All our staff, our Online Safety Lead or our DSL's have undertaken the following training:

Child Exploitation - DSL

L3 Safeguarding Children - DSL

NSPCC Managing Sexualised Behaviours - Wrenthorpe and Hospital Staff Sep 21

Teacher Hub - (Online Safety Lead) April 21

Safeguarding- All staff Nov 2022

Prevent - All staff Nov 2022

Safer Working Practice - Nov 2022

Below are links to other agencies and places that can offer advice and support.

Ensuring families and professionals get expert advice to keep their babies safe.  Understanding why babies die and how deaths can be prevented.  Supporting all bereaved families at any time after the death of their baby or child.  Raising awareness and working with others to save babies’ lives and improve bereavement support

Infant crying is normal and it will stop!

Comfort methods can sometimes soothe the baby

Ok to walk away if you have checked the baby

Never, ever shake or hurt a baby

If you are worried that your baby is unwell contact your GP or call NHS 



Papyrus are a national charity for the prevention of young suicide.  They deliver awareness and prevention training, provide confidential support and suicide intervention through HOPELineUK (0800 068 4141), campaign and influence national policy, and empower young people to lead suicide prevention activities in their own communities.



Online Safety

The Wakefield Young People Charter